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Mine on Solana. Now you can mine on Solana.
Use Link. Get rewarded when others use your link.
Boost. Boost your mining output.
No limits. No min or max for PRO users.


Why does it say "Joining..."?
It's connecting you to a new slot to mine or it's syncing to your most recently active slot (which can take time).


How long for Boosts to register?
Boost transactions must be mined to register. Once these transactions are finalized they appear almost instantly.


My transaction is still pending, why?
If your transaction is pending for long period of time, it has drifted. It can't be mined because it is out of range, it will be settled by the network on the next reward halving (every 500 blocks or 12,500 transactions).
With PRO your transactions are always prioritized in every block built by the Pond specific nodes.


What is an ATO?
Abstract transaction object.
Block streaming produces new blocks every 25 transactions broadcasted to any chain observed by the engine. To compensate for the different transaction formats (i.e. calldata vs instructions) the transactions are shipped using an abstract format for compatibility.


Mining is one of the main features of the Pond ecosystem. This uses Argon2 PoW within the browser to produce hashes that yield wPond rewards.

Rewards seem to be on slow-mo right now. They are certainly being sent out, but the delay is quite long.

Spawning is supposed to supercharge the claims and get them sending out quickly again.

Stage 1. Mine​


Wait at least 10 seconds before mining. The manifest needs to settle.
Click [MINE]. This will open a Solana signature prompt. This does not cost anything.

Stage 2. Sign​


Confirm quickly (but safely). It should look identical to the image above.
Timing out the wallet request will bone you and you will have to refresh.

Stage 3. Joining​


This screen should only appear for a moment. If it persists, you are boned and need to refresh. (This does not happen very often on v2.0)

Stage 4. Status: Mining < 100M Unclaimed​


You are now mining. As long as your hash is positive, wait for green flashes.
If the hash goes to 0 hash while you are still under 100M, you are boned and need to refresh.

Stage 5. Status: Mining < 100M Green Flashes​


Green flashes are mining and validating events. As long as your hash stays positive, you are almost there!

Stage 6. Status: Mining > 100M​


You can now claim your tokens any time. As long as the hash is positive, you can wait and let it mine more.
Click [STOP & CLAIM] when ready

Stage 7. Status: Mining > 100M Color Flash​


  • Green is good. This is validating / mining. This confirms you are actively mining.

  • Red is bad. This is SLASHING from high hash rate or cheating.

  • Yellow is warning. This is DRIFTING from communication issues.

Stage 8. Mining Log​


Green = Good.
Red = Bad.
The logs will tell you the previous 10 actions, such as rig_initialized, connected, peer_join, network_full, submit_hash, reconnecting and check_progress.It will help you debug any issues.
One red event does not always mean failure.

Mining Log Information

Stage 9. Claiming​


Cross your fingers, say your prayers. With any luck, you have now successfully mined. You should see your wallet in the claim Queue. Now, go do it again!

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